Office & Workshop with flexibility
Located in South Guildford, 13kms* east of the Perth CBD and is situated within close proximity to Perth Airport and major arterial roads including the Great Eastern Highway Bypass.
The portion of the site available for lease has an area of 9,858sqm* and has frontage to and access from Great Eastern Highway.
The premises has a total building area of 2,134sqm*, consisting of 861sqm* of office and amenities along with a 1,170sqm* workshop and 103sqm* mezzanine storage area. The main ground floor office area, totalling 748sqm* comprises a series of standalone offices, a meeting room and amenities and is complete with air conditioning, fluorescent lighting and floor coverings. The 1st floor workshop office and tea preparation area is 113sqm*. The adjoining workshop is divided into multiple areas and benefits from access via 8 large sliding doors, 6 of which offer drive-thru capability, 1 service pit, high bay lighting and good access/building circulation for large equipment. Within the workshop is a 103sqm* mezzanine storage area.
The balance of the site benefits from large sealed hardstand and circulation areas along with car parking.
Adjacent additional hardstand can be leased from the Main Roads of Western Austraila subject to terms and conditions.
* approximate
For further information or to arrange an inspection please contact Warick Irving on +61 413 863 335.