Maximum Flexibility
Located in Davenport, 7.5kms* south east of the Bunbury CBD and 170kms* south of the Perth CBD within a master planned extensively landscaped industrial estate, this modern development benefits from its strategic access to major transportation linkages including the South Western Highway and the Bunbury Outer Ring Road and is within close proximity to Bunbury Airport and Port.
The property has a site area of 2,000sqm* and is located on Halifax Drive nearby the South Western Highway intersection.
The premises has a total building area of 1,025sqm* with plans for up to 145sqm* of office/amenities to be built with the balance providing 880sqm* of high truss warehouse/workshop with provision for an overhead gantry crane.
External improvements include asphalt hardstand, circulation and car parking areas accessible via two crossovers.
The property has extensively landscaped gardens with neighbours including Bunnings’ Trade in what is one of Bunbury’s best presented industrial estates.
* approximate